You Don’t Have to Sell the Farm to Get Rid of the Jackass: A Primer on How to Divorce Without Remorse
Author: Bonnie Jerbasi, Esq.
Publication Date: August 25, 2014
ISBN: 978-19373972-65
Format: Softcover
Size: 6 × 9
Retail Price: $19.95
Book Description: Finally, a book that cuts through the confusing world of family law and gives you an insider’s view on how to navigate your divorce with dignity and without draining your bank account. For those who are contemplating divorce, in the midst of a divorce, or embroiled in postjudgment proceedings, this book will open your eyes to the workings of the legal profession and arm you with the tools you need to survive-even thrive-during this difficult time. Putting aside issues regarding children, for the most part, ending a relationship is simply a math problem. To help you navigate the storms that accompany divorce, Bonnie Jerbasi draws upon more than 25 years in the legal profession and her own two divorces to give you firsthand advice on how to make it to the other side of divorce in one piece. Written in simple, straightforward language-not legalese-you will learn things like how to choose the perfect attorney, how to keep control of your own case and budget, and how to keep a sane perspective while your relationship ends and your family structure changes. If you want to hold on to your sanity, cash, and dignity, read this book and heed the advice so you can move forward gracefully into your new life.