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Frugal Millionaire Amazon Ebook CoverBrenda Hendrickson, CSA, author of How To Be A Frugal Millionaire: Eight Simple Steps to Creating Personal Wealth, recently spoke with WGLS radio. Brenda discussed the following tips:

• Turn a negative money attitude into a positive, money-making attitude
• Make the highly effective habits of a frugal millionaire your own
• Implement simple, yet powerful strategies anyone can practice
• Create the next generation of frugal millionaires

To hear the interview, which aired on WGLS radio’s “A Community Affair” show, CLICK HERE.

HendricksonBrenda-2009Brenda is a published author, a tax specialist, a Quick Books pro advisor, accountant, and certified senior advisor (CSA) with a Certificate in Financial Planning. Since the book was first published, Brenda has held numerous book signings and is a keynote speaker at organizations, associations, and colleges. She has received testimonials on how her strategies have enabled her readership to accumulate wealth.

The CSA designation was created to meet a unique need in the marketplace—knowledge about the health, social, and financial issues of aging that are important to the majority of seniors, so that professionals who serve seniors can do so in a more competent, ethical, and effective manner.