Dude, Seriously, Get Your ASK in Gear!
Author: Susan P. Ascher
Publication Date: July 25, 2014
ISBN: 978-19373972-41
Format: Softcover
Size: 6 × 9
Retail Price: $19.95
Book Description: Dude, Seriously, Get Your ASK in Gear! is every woman’s and man’s simple, concise, straightforward guide to leadership and success in The New Millennium. Whatever generation you’re from-Z to Postwar Traditionalist-the author shows us that we are all leaders in this multigenerational workforce and family of The New Millennium. Whether you are an executive leading a team, a professional leading your client, or a parent or relative leading the family, this book makes us ask what it takes to stay relevant, manage our hectic lives, and push forward to be successful in the ever-changing leadership landscape of The Digital Age. Every chapter, from Productivity Hacking and Read to Lead, to Staying Relevant and Success in a VUCA World, opens our eyes to how quickly the world changes, and how we must embrace those changes to lead and succeed. It all begins when you Get Your ASK in Gear! Susan P. Ascher is president and CEO of The Ascher Group, an award-winning consulting firm. A graduate of the first class of women at Lehigh University, Susan’s Sphere of Excellence in Communication programs have helped countless corporations and individuals raise the bar in differentiation strategy, effective writing and speaking, protocol awareness, and business development. Her well-received seminars, presentations, keynotes, workshops, and customized training programs focus on leadership, collaboration, and communication. Susan has coached individuals and teams for clients ranging from the Fortune 50 to emerging growth companies, as well as healthcare organizations, nonprofits, and numerous nationally ranked colleges and universities.